
In late 2023, I purchased a Powermaster GTX alarm system which so far has been a great little system for my home (Previous post can be found here).

Shortly afterwards, I also bought a Powerlink 3.1 module of eBay for £30 which means the panel is now able to connect to the internet and be controlled via the Visonic Go mobile app. The Powerlink module exposed a JSON-RPC API on port 8181 which I started to document at: https://rexchoppers.github.io/visonic-pmaxservice-docs

I’m currently using Visonic (Tyco’s) free PowerManage server that allows you to connect your panel to the internet and control it via the Visonic Go mobile app. However, I’m not a fan of the fact that the panel is now reliant on a third party server to function. So I’ve done a bit of digging and whilst I don’t have a solution yet, I’m hoping to find a way to create some self-hosted alternatives to the PowerManage server. Either that or use home assistant.

I’ve still been unable to find anything relating to encryption keys or the like, but I assume a lot of the inner workings are proprietary and not easily accessible.

Mildy Interesting Findings

All requests were sent using the built in API client in the Powerlink module. The API client is a simple JSON-RPC client that sends requests to the Powerlink module on port 8181.

URL: POST http://<PANEL IP>:8181/remote/json-rpc

    "params": [
      234, // Memory address?
      53, // Index of the item?
      10000 // Timeout?
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "PmaxService/getEepromItem",
    "id": 1

Random FTP Credentials

  • 426, 0
  • 425, 0
  • 424, 0

For some reason these addresses return FTP credentials. I’m not sure why but I was able to access the FTP server using these credentials and came across messages, debug logs etc… from other alarm systems

Weird Gmail Credentials

  • 394, 0
  • 393, 0

To my surprise, I found some Gmail credentials stored in the EEPROM. The email returned: msp5.2cpu.visonic@gmail.com. Obviously I won’t post the password here but I’m not sure why these credentials are in here. Even worse, I was able to attempt a log in to the account but was stopped by the security checks.

This is strange - Any sort of email I’d expect to be sent to a email address with the Visonic/Tyco/Johnson Controls domain.

Panel Display Name

  • 355, 0

This address returns the panel display name. For my panel this returned: SECURITY SYSTEM so I assume you can edit this via the EEPROM.

Credentials? Nope

  • 181, 0
  • 181, 1
  • 38, 0
  • 37, 1

I was hoping to find some sort of credentials in the EEPROM but I was unable to find anything. I assume it’s in a different location. These 2 addresses returned:

  • 2234567890123456
  • 3234567890123456

I saw somewhere that Visonic has some default encyrption keys but other reports say the encryption key is set between the Panel and PowerManage server. I’m not sure yet and I tried running these through a decryption tool. These might be correct encryption keys but I may be pushing through the wrong IV and vise versa.

Next Up

I’ll add more findings as I go along. I’ve tried creating a script to dump the entire EEPROM but I end up with the requests hanging. I presume the PowerLink module is rate limiting the requests or it simply can’t handle them.

Next steps will be to setup Home Assistant and replace the PowerLink module with a Ethernet to RS232 adapter.
