As humans, sometimes it’s hard to see the bigger picture. We get caught up in the day-to-day and forget to look at the bigger picture. This page is a collection of projects I’ve worked on over the years. Some are big, small, open-source, employer projects, and some are just for fun.

Usually a lot of developers wouldn’t bother to document their projects, but as I’ve got a range of experience across many languages/frameworks/integrations, I thought it would be a good idea to document them. This page is a living document and will be updated as I work on more projects.

If you’re interested in any of the projects, feel free to reach out to me


  • Atlas Search Integration
    • Description: Integrating Atlas Search into our applications
    • Tech: MongoDB, PHP (Laravel), Atlas Search
  • Multi-Queue SQS Migration
    • Description: Migrating from a single SQS queue to multiple SQS queues for better performance of our applications
    • Tech: AWS, PHP (Laravel), SQS
  • MongoDB 7 Upgrade:
    • Description: Upgrading MongoDB 6 to MongoDB 7
    • Tech: MongoDB, PHP (Laravel)
  • AWS CLF C02:
    • Description: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner as part of my initiative to display my knowledge in AWS
    • Tech: AWS
  • Mobile SSO Integration:
    • Description: Integrating SSO into our mobile applications and integration Google SSO also on both web + mobile
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, MongoDB, GCP, React Native, ReactJS
  • MongoDB 6 Upgrade:
    • Description: Upgrading MongoDB 5 to MongoDB 6
    • Tech: MongoDB, PHP (Laravel)
  • Data Import Project
    • Description: Improvements to the data import project to handle more data and improve the speed of the import process. From a slow, limited process to processing around 10k records in one go.
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, MongoDB
  • MySQL 8.0 Upgrade
    • Description: Upgrading MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0
    • Tech: MySQL, PHP (Laravel), AWS
  • Public Information Page
    • Description: A public information page for an anonymous source to look at information by just visiting a URL. All security considerations were taken into account.
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, AWS, MongoDB, AWS CDK, TypeScript
  • AWS Cost Saving Exercise
    • Description: A cost-saving exercise to reduce the cost of our AWS infrastructure. ~5k per month down to ~2k per month
    • Tech: AWS
  • CloudWatch API Integration
    • Description: Integrating CloudWatch into our API project to monitor the performance + logs of our API
    • Tech: AWS CloudWatch, PHP (Laravel)
  • MongoDB 5 Upgrade
    • Description: Upgrading MongoDB 4 to MongoDB 5
    • Tech: MongoDB, PHP (Laravel)
  • Kubernetes Deployment Setup For Client X
    • Description: Setting up a Kubernetes deployment for client X to deploy their API and web application
    • Tech: Kubernetes, Scaleway, PHP (Laravel), ReactJS, Github Actions
  • Portal Project For Client Y
    • Description: A portal project for client Y to manage their internal processes
    • Tech: AWS, DynamoDB, AWS CDK, TypeScript, ReactJS, AWS Lambda, AWS S3, AWS Step Functions, AWS State Machines, Github Actions
  • Project Kone
    • Description: Confidential project for clients to manage machines
    • Tech: AWS, AWS Cognito, AWS CDK, AWS Lambda, Angular, .NET, C#, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker, Github Actions, Flutter, Android, iOS
  • Project MCH
    • Description: Current closed-source project (Open Source soon) game project
    • Tech: Java, Docker, Bash
    • Description: Family member’s online portfolio updates
    • Tech: Jekyll, Ruby
  • Client A Project Changes
    • Description: Changes to Client A’s existing project inline with business requirements
    • Tech: GO, GCP, Gitlab, Docker, Cloud Functions, MySQL, Cloud Run, PHP (Laravel), Angular, Gitlab
  • Open University: BCS Computing + IT
    • Description: One quarter of Year 3 of the BCS Computing + IT degree
    • Tech: Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS


  • React Native App Setup
    • Description: Fixing, updating and setting up a React Native app that was unable to load, update and run. Several updates on the app released
    • Tech: React Native, TypeScript, Bash, iOS, Android, App/Play Store
  • Penetration Testing
    • Description: Penetration testing project
    • Tech: AWS, PHP (Laravel), MongoDB, MySQL
  • Elasticbeanstalk Laravel SQS Updates
    • Description: Updates to the Laravel SQS setup on Elasticbeanstalk to handle more jobs and use php artisan queue:work instead of HTTP requests
    • Tech: AWS, PHP (Laravel), SQS, Elasticbeanstalk, Bash
  • SSO Integration (Microsoft)
    • Description: Integrating Microsoft SSO into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, MongoDB, Azure, ReactJS
  • CodeShip to Github Actions
    • Description: Migrating from CodeShip to Github Actions. Inc deployment + unit tests
    • Tech: Github Actions, CodeShip, PHP (Laravel)
  • PHP 7.4 Upgrade
    • Description: Upgrading PHP 7.3 to PHP 7.4
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), AWS, Elasticbeanstalk, Bash
  • Mass Data Search Project
    • Description: A project to search through mass data and return results quickly
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, Elasticbeanstalk
  • Project Kone - Project Initiation
    • Description: Project initiation for Project Kone
    • Tech: AWS, AWS Cognito, AWS CDK, AWS Lambda, Angular, .NET, C#, Postgres, Kubernetes, Docker, Github Actions, Flutter, Android, iOS
  • AWMS - A Warehouse Management System
    • Description: Prototype of a warehouse management system
    • Tech: Keycloak, Angular, GO, NodeJS, Postgres, Docker
  • Upload Proxy Lambda
    • Description: A Lambda function to proxy uploads from S3
    • Tech: AWS, AWS Lambda, AWS CDK, S3, TypeScript, Route53
    • Description: Family member’s online portfolio updates
    • Tech: Jekyll, Ruby
  • Cloud OpenFOAM Processing
    • Description: Prototype setting up OpenFOAM processing on GCP
    • Tech: GCP, OpenFOAM, Bash, Docker, Pascal, C++
  • Open University: BCS Computing + IT
    • Description: Second half of year 2 of the BCS Computing + IT degree
    • Tech: Java, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS


  • Open University: BCS Computing + IT
    • Description: First half of year 2 of the BCS Computing + IT degree
    • Tech: Java, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS
    • Description: Family member’s online portfolio updates
    • Tech: Jekyll, Ruby
  • Platform Of Things
    • Description: My own personal site filled with bits of stuff that might help other people one day
    • Tech: Jekyll, Ruby
  • Client A Project Changes
    • Description: Changes to Client A’s existing project inline with business requirements
    • Tech: GO, GCP, Gitlab, Docker, Cloud Functions, MySQL, Cloud Run, PHP (Laravel), Angular, Gitlab
  • Client B Project
    • Description: Data scraping project
    • Tech: TypeScript, Kubernetes, Hetzner, Docker, NodeJS, ffmpeg
  • Arduino Code Fix
    • Description: Fixing Arduino code for an acquaintance
    • Tech: Arduino, C++
  • Pager Data Processing Project
    • Description: A project to process pager data
    • Tech: Kubernetes, Raspberry Pi, NodeJS, GO, Postgres, Docker, RF Transmitter + Receiver
  • Sendgrid Integration
    • Description: Integrating Sendgrid into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Sendgrid
  • Yoti Integration
    • Description: Integrating Yoti into our applications
    • Tech: MySQL, Yoti, Python, NodeJS, Typescript, NestJS, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes
  • K8s Secret Deployment Generator
    • Description: Quicky and hacky project to generate Kubernetes secret deployment files
    • Tech: Kubernetes, Javascript, NodeJS, Docker
  • GCP AppEngine to Kubernetes Migration
    • Description: Migrating from GCP AppEngine to Kubernetes
    • Tech: GCP, Kubernetes, PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Docker
  • Government Agency API Integration
    • Description: Integrating a government agency API (Never released) into our applications. This project verified a worker’s identity against the a private agemcu database
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Government API, Azure
  • Machine Learning - Autofill Project Support
    • Description: A project to autofill data based on previous data
    • Tech: Python, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, MySQL


  • Open University: BCS Computing + IT
    • Description: Whole of year 1 completed for my BCS Computing + IT degree
    • Tech: Java, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS
  • Replicating Employer Infrastructure To Docker
    • Description: Replicating employer infrastructure to Docker for local development
    • Tech: Docker, PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Redis, NodeJS, GCP, Postgres
  • Interim Datawarehouse Project
    • Description: An interim datawarehouse project to store data for reporting
    • Tech: MySQL, Postgres, GCP, Bash, Docker, Python
  • Migration from NATS to RabbitMQ
    • Description: Migrating from NATS to RabbitMQ (Backbone of the application)
    • Tech: NATS, RabbitMQ, PHP (Laravel), Docker, NodeJS, GCP, Kubernetes
  • Laravel Upgrade 5.7 -> 5.8
    • Description: Upgrading Laravel 5.7 -> 5.8
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Docker, GCP
  • Laravel Upgrade 5.8 -> 6.0
    • Description: Upgrading Laravel 5.8 -> 6.0
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Docker, GCP
  • Auth Microservice
    • Description: Auth microservice for our applications + foundations for future microservices
    • Tech: MySQL, Docker, GCP, Kubernetes, NestJS, NodeJS, Typescript, NATS MQ
  • Xero Upgrade
    • Description: Business critical Xero integration
    • Tech: Xero, PHP (Laravel)
  • Larastan Integration
    • Description: Integrating Larastan into our applications (Tighter code quality)
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), Larastan, Docker
  • Client A Project Changes
    • Description: Changes to Client A’s existing project inline with business requirements
    • Tech: GO, GCP, Gitlab, Docker, Cloud Functions, MySQL, Cloud Run, PHP (Laravel), Angular, Gitlab
  • Client C Project
    • Description: Game projects x2
    • Tech: Java, NestJS, NATSMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, NodeJS, Typescript, Redis, AWS S3
  • Client D Project
    • Description: Pricing Calculation Project
    • Tech: NodeJS, Typescript, Powershell
  • AWMS - A Warehouse Management System
    • Description: Prototype of a warehouse management system
    • Tech: NestJS, NodeJS, Angular, Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes, NATS MQ
  • Grafana Let Me In
    • Description: Quick and dirty project to allow Grafana into our Google Cloud SQL instances
    • Tech: GCP, Grafana, Docker, Bash, NodeJS


  • Open University: BCS Computing + IT
    • Description: Starting year 1 of my BCS Computing + IT degree
    • Tech: N/A
  • Redis Geo-matching System
    • Description: A geo-matching system using Redis
    • Tech: Redis, PHP (Laravel), Docker, GCP
  • GCP App Engine Versioning
    • Description: Versioning of GCP App Engine. Basically, a way to deploy multiple versions of the same application and have the jobs for that specific version processed by that version too
    • Tech: GCP, GCP AppEngine, PHP (Laravel), Docker, Bash
  • FCM v2 Integration
    • Description: Integrating Firebase Cloud Messaging into our applications. We weren’t able to use existing libraries due to the fact the API was so far behind version wise
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Firebase, Docker, Android, iOS, Ionic
  • API Restructure
    • Description: Restructuring our API to be more modular and easier to maintain. Preperation for microservices
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Docker, GCP
  • Client H R&D Project
    • Description: R&D project for Client H. Data processing from third parties + writing to Excel files
    • Tech: Python, DigitalOcean, MySQL
  • Client A Project Start
    • Description: Start of Client A’s project. Processing mass amounts of data + writing to Excel files
    • Tech: GO, GCP, Gitlab, Docker, Cloud Functions, MySQL, Cloud Run, PHP (Laravel), Angular, Gitlab
  • Royal Mail - Read Barcode From Image Prototype
    • Description: Prototype to read barcodes from images
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter)
  • GCP Cost Saving Exercise
    • Description: A cost-saving exercise to reduce the cost of our GCP infrastructure. ~2k per month down to ~£800 per month
    • Tech: GCP
  • Arduino Rocket Control System
    • Description: A rocket control system using Arduino - Helping with a relative’s university project
    • Tech: Arduino, C
  • Projects for ex-employer
    • Description: Project for ex-employer
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter + Laravel), MySQL, Linux
  • Client C Project
    • Description: Game projects x2
    • Tech: Java, NestJS, NATSMQ, Docker, Kubernetes, GCP, NodeJS, Typescript, Redis, AWS S3


  • Google Maps + Geocoding Integration
    • Description: Integrating Google Maps + Geocoding into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, Redis, GCP, Google Maps API
  • Finished Apprenticeship
    • Description: Finished my apprenticeship
    • Tech: N/A
  • Projects for ex-employer
    • Description: Project for ex-employer
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter + Laravel), MySQL, Linux
  • Migration from IIS to Linux Server
    • Description: Migrating from our applications to a Linux server. Cloud Options were put forward but the cost was too high
    • Tech: AWS, PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, GCP, Linux
  • ReportBro Integration
    • Description: Integrating ReportBro into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), Python, MySQL, ReportBro, Javascript
  • Cubiscan Integration
    • Description: Integrating Cubiscan into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Cubiscan, Javascript, C#, .NET
  • Brandweer GPS Flutter Prototype
    • Description: Prototype of a GPS system for the fire brigade. Integrating into their existing system
    • Tech: Flutter, Dart, Android, iOS
  • Background Checking Integration
    • Description: Integrating background checking into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, GCP
  • Automated System For Check Government Agency Data
    • Description: Automated system to check a government agency data
    • Tech: PHP (Laravel), MySQL, GCP, GCP CloudFunctions, Typescript, NodeJS
  • Client Y Project Start
    • Description: R&D Project for Client Y
    • Tech: Python, Angular, DigitalOcean, MySQL
  • Apprenticeship Final Project
    • Description: Final project for my apprenticeship. Music selection system
    • Tech: C++ (QT)


  • Major Online Re-selling Platform Integration
    • Description: Integrating a major online re-selling platform into our applications
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, GO
  • Warehouse App For Major Online Re-selling Platform
    • Description: Warehouse app for a major online re-selling platform
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Ionic, Angular, Typescript, NodeJS
  • API Creation
    • Description: Creating an API for our applications and allowing third parties to access our data
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Linux
  • Carrier System Integration
    • Description: Integrating a carrier system into our existing systems + processes
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL
  • Apprenticeship Continuation
    • Description: Continuation of my apprenticeship
    • Tech: N/A
  • Support Ticketing Prototype
    • Description: Prototype of a support ticketing system
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Javascript
  • New WMS Integration
    • Description: Integrating a new WMS into our existing systems + processes
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Javascript
  • Scheduler Project
    • Description: A project to schedule long running jobs
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), C#, .NET, IIS


  • Apprenticeship Started
    • Description: Started my apprenticeship
    • Tech: N/A
  • Zendesk - Portal Integration
    • Description: Integrating Zendesk for easier customer support
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Zendesk API
  • Metapack Integration
    • Description: Integrating Metapack carrier system into our existing systems + processes
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Metapack API (SOAP)
  • Custom ZPL Label Printing
    • Description: Custom ZPL label printing for our warehouse. Designing custom labels + Parameter injection
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, ZPL
  • Symbol MC70 Software
    • Description: Warehouse software for the Symbol MC70 using .NET 3.5 (Yes, you read that right)
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), C#, .NET, MySQL, Symbol MC70
  • Label Auto-Printing System
    • Description: Auto-printing system for our warehouse to speed up the packing process
    • Tech: Bash, Javascript
  • College Finished
    • Description: Finished college
    • Tech: N/A
  • Confess Your Mess
    • Description: A website for people to confess their mess. Make so I could pick up CodeIgniter quickly
    • Tech: PHP (CodeIgniter), MySQL, Javascript
  • Jotel
    • Description: A hotel booking system for a college project. Used to pick up bits of C++
    • Tech: C++, QT, MySQL
  • Freelance Game Plugin Development
    • Description: Freelance game plugin development
    • Tech: Java, LUA


  • Positivity+
    • Description: Mental health app for a college project
    • Tech: Android, Java, PHP, MySQL
  • rAudit
    • Description: Hotel housekeeping auditing app. Requested by a family member who is a deputy manager at a hotel
    • Tech: Android, Java, PHP, MySQL
  • Freelance Game Plugin Development
    • Description: Freelance game plugin development
    • Tech: Java, LUA


  • Freelance Game Plugin Development
    • Description: Freelance game plugin development
    • Tech: Java, LUA
  • MowveIT
    • Description: A high school project to create a 2D game
    • Tech: Java, LWJGL, OpenGL
  • Linux Server Setup
    • Description: Setting up a Linux servers. NGINX, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Apache2
    • Tech: Linux, Bash


  • Freelance Game Plugin Development
    • Description: Freelance game plugin development
    • Tech: Java, LUA
  • Linux Server Setup
    • Description: Setting up Linux servers. NGINX, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Apache2
    • Tech: Linux, Bash
  • Blockhunt
    • Description: Popular game plugin
    • Tech: Java


  • Freelance Game Plugin Development
    • Description: Freelance game plugin development
    • Tech: Java, LUA
  • Linux Server Setup
    • Description: Setting up Linux servers. NGINX, PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Apache2
    • Tech: Linux, Bash