
Back in 2018 and inspired by the Youtube video which shows the full morse code transmissions of the Titanic’s last moments; I decided to make a fun project in Java + JavaFX to convert text to morse code.

Surprisingly simple, and quite humbling to see how far we’ve come in terms of communication. This is one of the last Java projects I’ve worked on. I hope to come back to do more Java one day or start with Kotlin/Scala.

Feel free to do anything you like with this project

If you’re wanting to learn morse code for the fun of it, I’d recommend the Morse Mania app. Very easy to use and I’m currently using it to refresh my morse code alphabet.


  • Converts text to international morse code
  • Plays morse code “dits” and “dahs” to the default audio driver

Potential future improvements

  • Support other characters (At the moment, it only supports A-Z + 0-9)
  • Follow conventions with gaps between words and sentences



Screen shot